Website Architecture Planning | Search Engine Optimization

Website Architecture Planning | Search Engine Optimization

How To Remove Referral Spam In Google Analytics November 8, 2016 by Garenne Bigby

remove referral spam google analytics

Has there ever been a time that you are looking at your Google Analytics, and noticed a strange influx of referral traffic to your site? You haven't run a special promotion or released a particularly outstanding piece of content and suddenly gone viral. You are not entirely sure what is happening and why. In order to get the correct data that reflects your analytics accurately, you will need to get rid of the referral spam for good. How should you deal with this surprise influx and unwanted spam? Read on carefully to fix the problem.

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good site structure for SEO

Having the right site structure can no doubt help you with your search engine optimization efforts in the same way that the wrong strategies can have a negative impact. There is not a long list of things that can be done to improve your SEO at the level of the website architecture, but when each of these things are done, bit by bit you will see improvements in rankings. And when done all together, it will reach maximum optimization. Most of these things can be done with very little help from a professional, and when they are implemented at the creation of content, it will become second nature to ensure that all web pages on your site are uniform in their ability to contribute positively to the overall search engine optimization. What's the point of working hard on a website, only to be penalized because of a few simple mistakes? Never let that happen again when you are armed with this sort of information in your pocket.

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160 Essential SEO Terms You Should Know November 4, 2016 by Garenne Bigby

seo terminology checklist

When it comes to Search Engine Optimization (SEO) terminology, it can sometimes feel like you are reading a foreign language. If you are not a tech person, some of the words can seem odd and completely foreign to you, but once you learn the tricks of the trade, you will be speaking the lingo in no time.

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How to Block Access to Your Website Content November 3, 2016 by Garenne Bigby

blocking access to online content

When blocking a URL on your website, you are able to stop Google from indexing certain web pages with the purpose of being displayed in Google's Search Engine Results. This means that when people are looking through the search results, they will not be able to see or navigate to a URL that has been blocked, and they will not see any of its content. If there are pages of content that you would like to refrain from being seen within Google's Search Results, there are a few things you can do to complete this task.

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What is Google AMP and how does it work? November 1, 2016 by Garenne Bigby

google amp

AMP stands for Accelerated Mobile Pages. This is a way to construct web pages that will render quickly for static content. When put into action, AMP consists of AMP HTML, the AMP JS library, and the Google AMP Cache. When a page isn't optimized for mobile use, you risk the chance of increased bounce rates—30% of users leave a page if it does not load within 3 seconds. The end product of AMP drastically improves the performance of mobile websites on the internet—so much so that the load time is often appearing to be instant. It relies on existing technologies and works in collaboration with the Internet's biggest names. AMP is not a totally different technique for creating pages—it actually consists of normal HTML with a few restrictions and added specialized tags and does not require a lot of additional work. AMP JS works to make sure that the most important content is loaded quickly and clearly, while third party content such as ads are not at the forefront so that users will see their preferred content as soon as possible. AMP has discovered that content that loads quickly leads to faster reading, and in turn that results in more consumption.

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