Website Architecture Planning | Search Engine Optimization

Website Architecture Planning | Search Engine Optimization

Top 25 SEO Tips for eCommerce Websites October 15, 2017 by Garenne Bigby

Top 25 SEO Tips for eCommerce Websites

These days, almost everyone is online. We don’t just browse for information, watch YouTube videos, play BuzzFeed quizzes, and interact on social media either. Today, almost everything can be done online, including buying and selling commerce.

Ecommerce isn’t anything new, of course. It’s been around since 1991, when the internet was made available for commercial use. But what has certainly changed is the sheer number of ecommerce sites available.

Just as almost everyone is buying online, the vast majority of internet users are also selling online. While many make use of sites such as Gumtree, an increasing number of people are starting up their own ecommerce sites. One of the obvious reasons is that with an online store, you simply don’t have all of the overhead expenses of a brick and mortar shop.

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Top 15 Plagiarism Tools for Finding Duplicate Content October 10, 2017 by Garenne Bigby

Top 15 Plagiarism Tools for Finding Duplicate Content

Copying another person’s work is not only morally wrong but can ruin your reputation. There are many tools on the internet that can be used to catch plagiarism before it is published. If you are a web designer who would like to make sure you are not overstepping your boundaries or a publisher that would like to check in on your clients’ work, these tools can be extremely helpful in detecting plagiarism. Many professors and students from high schools and college use these online plagiarism tools in order to check their work. There are so many articles out there these days, and it is important to make sure your work or the work of your students is original.

Professors, editors, students, and people from many other professions rely on these tools in order to make sure they are producing original work that will not violate plagiarism. Plagiarism may not always be committed on purpose. It is possible that it happens accidentally due to the fact that there is so much text on the internet with social media and blogging.

The tools are not only helpful—they are easy to use, and the best part is they are free. It is worth it to take the time before submitting your work. While they don’t take a lot of time to use, it is an extra step to remember before completing an assignment. It is a step that might save you hassle in the long run.

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Top 25 SEO Blogs to Stay Up-to-date with Search October 5, 2017 by Garenne Bigby

Top 25 SEO Blogs to Stay Up-to-date with Search

What blogs do you read, and how do they help you shape your blog or website? The type of blogs (and specific blogs) you read or subscribe to can influence your site development. But did you know that they can also help you with your website optimization?

Having access to a list that compares blogs according to their search engine optimization ranking allows you as a blogger (or website owner, for that matter) to check up on what SEO trends are working the best. This access, in turn, allows you to adjust your optimization methods and marketing plans, and start implementing successful changes.

On the other hand, perhaps you’re an SEO expert or looking to become an SEO freelancer. Maybe you’ve been promoted at work or transferred, and need to start brushing up on SEO trends as part of your new position’s responsibilities.

As with most aspects of online marketing schemes, the realm of SEO tends to evolve on an almost constant basis. Most of the evolving trends won’t require much change on your part, but others most definitely will. In fact, thanks to recent developments in the voice search capabilities of search engines (as an example), updating your SEO methodology has become a requirement rather than an option. Due to the change in how search engines interact with your site, a host of new features and functions have been introduced.

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The Best Content Management System (CMS) for SEO October 4, 2017 by Garenne Bigby

The Best Content Management System (CMS) for SEO

Almost everyone has an online presence today, and getting your business or blog noticed means it has to be attractive and accessible. Making the right choice when looking at a content management system (CMS) to build your site can be the difference between ending up on the search engine’s first results page or its last—and most people don’t even bother with the second page.

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Social Media & SEO: Why Your SEO Strategy Needs To Include Social

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) has always been an escalating arms race. Companies and advertisers continue to look for new ways to organically push their desired results to the top of search engines. Likewise, search engines constantly update their algorithms to combat keyword stuffing and ensure the true cream rises to the top. This constant push and pull has given rise to a new focus in the field. While good, old-fashioned, keyword focused, SEO is still a necessary part of any successful campaign, a growing number of new-age marketers are turning to social media for an added boost.

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