The User Experience Blog for Website Architecture Planning

The User Experience Blog for Website Architecture Planning

Redirection and the Impact on SEO Rankings June 17, 2019 by Garenne Bigby

Redirection and the Impact on SEO Rankings

SEO stands for search engine optimization. Redirection is a term to describe the act of forwarding one URL to a different URL. Redirecting a page usually means you are giving the page a brand new URL. The act of redirection is pretty simple and is used frequently, most of the time unbeknownst to the page’s visitors. There are free tools that you can use to confirm if your page redirects are working as they should be.

When set up correctly, an instant redirect that no one even notices will happen. In a perfect world, your SEO rankings will not be affected either. SEO, or search engine optimization, is your key to getting visitors to your site, so it is very important to pay attention and help this as much as possible.

When executed properly, redirects will not harm your SEO rankings at all. Conversely, when executed improperly, they can destroy your SEO rankings. Read on to understand how these two things have to work together in order to allow your site to succeed and pick up some tips on how to go about doing it.

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12 Page Speed Best Practices to Follow for SEO June 12, 2019 by Garenne Bigby

12 Page Speed Best Practices to Follow for SEO

The speed at which content on your page loads is what is referred to as its page speed. Needless to say, the faster content loads, the better. It is important to have fast page speeds for two main reasons. The first is that it directly affects your SEO rankings. This is because a slow page speed will slow down the bots crawling around your site.

You need these bots because that is how you get a better SEO ranking. They only have so much time to spend on each page so if your page is slow, they will miss out on other content and thus your SEO ranking will not be as high as it could or should be. The other main reason you want a high page speed is that people have increasingly short attention spans. With the advancements in technology, things are becoming more and more instant.

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All About the Robots.txt File June 5, 2019 by Garenne Bigby

All About the Robots.txt File

Those who create websites use things called robots.txt files to tell web robots such as search engine robots how to crawl particular pages on theirwebsites. REP, is a set of rules that dictate how robots may or may not crawl the web and deal with content they come across. The robots.txt file is part of this and indicates whether certain web crawlers can or cannot crawl the various parts of a website by allowing (or not) behaviors of certain user agents.

It’s important to learn about robots.txt because it can really help or really hurt your website. Read on to get a good concept of what needs to be done to make the most of your website.

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Where To Learn Web Accessibility (A11Y) March 14, 2019 by Garenne Bigby

Where To Learn Web Accessibility (A11Y)

Web accessibility is constructing websites, apps, and tools so people with disabilities can access and use them without hindrance—within the range as those without disabilities. This encompasses all disabilities including visual, speech, physical cognitive, auditory, and neurological. The internet is an integral part of government, commerce, recreation, education, employment, and health care.

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What’s new with DYNO Mapper ® v3.0 March 12, 2019 by Garenne Bigby

What’s new with DYNO Mapper ® v3.0

We have been rolling out v3.0 features over the last few weeks and here is a summary of what’s now live for users.

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