The User Experience Blog for Website Architecture Planning

The User Experience Blog for Website Architecture Planning

Monitor Your Website Health with DYNO Analytics ™ February 18, 2018 by Garenne Bigby

Monitor Your Website Health with DYNO Analytics ™

As a business owner, it is important to maintain a healthy website. A healthy website is one that is working properly, bringing in the right people, and allowing users a good experience. Without the health of a website, a company may have a difficult time converting and keeping customers.

A website serves as a way to market your business online, so that users and customers can easily find your information or product. Websites give users easy access to information, allow them to make purchases, and can also give customers the chance get a feel of your business.

These days, it is almost impossible for a business to be successful without an online marketplace. Many people browse the internet when they are looking for a product or service. While no site is perfect, there could be some pretty big issues happening with it that is driving users and customers to find what they need somewhere else.

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18 Usability Guidelines and Website Design Standards February 2, 2018 by Garenne Bigby

18 Usability Guidelines and Website Design Standards

Knowing and understanding the guidelines when it comes to usability of your business’s website is a sure way to grow your customer base. Websites that are not user-friendly are not efficient. Simply put, if your website is not friendly for the people who go to your page, visitors will go elsewhere. Making sure your website is easy to access, efficient to use, and includes helpful content are some of the important guidelines to follow. You should also consider having your website tested for usability. When you test your website, you will be able to figure out what is going right, what is going wrong, and what might need to be changed.

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What is the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)? January 31, 2018 by Garenne Bigby

What is the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)?

There are many laws that have been written to protect the rights of America’s people. There are rulings that protect children, the elderly, and everyone in between. Some laws protect people from being discriminated against when it comes to race, sexual orientation, or religious views. Other laws might protect people of certain ages, and genders. There are laws that require both male and females to be paid based on skill and experience, and not just on gender. There are even laws that protect voters and women who are pregnant. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) came into effect in 1990 and protects people with disabilities in America. It is considered a civil rights law that ensures individuals with disabilities will not be discriminated against in jobs, schools, and communities all over the country.

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Top 10 Content Planning Tools for Content Marketing January 25, 2018 by Garenne Bigby

Top 10 Content Planning Tools for Content Marketing

Content is the heart and soul of a company’s website. Without good content, your website will not be successful, and your business will likely have a difficult time sustaining in this ever-changing world. With so many businesses and websites out there, customers will go where they feel comfortable. When your website content is not inviting or helpful, they will take their business elsewhere. This is why it is so important to make sure you strategize before publishing your website. Planning what kind of content your website will have and how you will present it can only help you to be more prepared for what lies ahead. With both technology and the world constantly changing, you will need to make sure your website content is keeping up with the competition that is out there.

Planning will help you to determine what goals your company has and how you would like to meet them through setting up your website and having it go live. It will also assist you in targeting the audiences and demographics you want to reach. Depending on the size of your business, you will want to consider what areas you want to reach. Knowing and understanding your audience is also part of the content planning, and it will help you choose the best content that speaks to people and draws them in. In addition, planning allows you to test out your content before spending the time and money on coding. This way, you can find what works and what doesn’t work. Fix problems before they become detrimental to your business. No one ever regretted planning ahead.

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UX Tools January 23, 2018 by Garenne Bigby

UX Tools

By definition, UX (or user experience) refers to how a person feels about their interactions with a specific product or service. It can include their emotions that have been generated from the experience or their attitude and feelings in relation to it. It can be completely subjective to each individual due to how people think, feel, or interpret things differently from one another. What works perfectly for one person can be highly unappealing to another. This can make it difficult for a company or brand to meet the needs of each individual person their product or service reaches.

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