The User Experience Blog for Website Architecture Planning

The User Experience Blog for Website Architecture Planning

CMS Plugins for Google AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) February 16, 2017 by Garenne Bigby

cms plugins amp

What is AMP?

AMP, short for accelerated mobile pages, is a new way to build web pages that will allow static content to render faster on a mobile device. There are three different parts of AMP in action.

AMP HTML is like regular HTML, but with some restrictions that enable a reliable performance, and it incorporates extensions that help to build content that is richer than basic HTML. AMP JS library makes sure that AMP HTML pages will render quickly. The Google AMP cache may be used to serve saved AMP HTML pages.

It can be said that AMP HTML is simply extended HTML with properties that are customized for AMP. Most of the tags in an AMP HTML page will be regular HTML tags, while some will be replaced with tags that are specific to the AMP design. These custom elements are called ANP HTML components, and allow common patterns to be easily implemented.

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5 Tips for Creating an Exceptional Website February 14, 2017 by Garenne Bigby

5 tips for creating a great website

Creating a successful website is more than just gathering information and publishing it onto the internet. It is about curating content that is high quality so that it is valuable to your readers, and providing a good experience for the audience. There are some clear do's and don'ts for creating a website, but a great website will be thoughtfully created from the ground up. The main thing to remember is that a great website is created with the audience in mind, and won't turn dirty tricks just to rank well in search results.

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Are Keywords Still Important for SEO? February 13, 2017 by Garenne Bigby

Are Keywords Still Important for SEO?

Are Keywords Still Relevant for SEO?

A major discussion point regarding SEO recently has been that if topics or keywords are more important. This discussion comes from the fact that Google is learning how to understand the natural language. Google is so good at doing this now that it can actually identify similar terms for search queries, which makes it less important to worry about small changes in the way that you word your content when you are targeting a specific keyword phrase. Some people argue that it is more important to think about the concepts that Google interprets regardless of the actual words that are being used. While this may be somewhat true, keywords are still a very important concept of SEO.

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10 Excellent Books About Information Architecture February 10, 2017 by Garenne Bigby

books about information architecture

When thinking about either changing your information architecture that already exists or starting from scratch, it can seem a bit overwhelming when you are not sure where to start. The jargon, the seemingly lengthy process, it can seem daunting. This is a list of some of the best books available to aid in your journey to learn more about information architecture, no matter what your level of experience is.

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sitemaps and seo

Sitemaps are a necessity for SEO

A sitemap is defined as a simple directory or guide that holds information along with other details on web pages that are contained on a website, in addition to the content on these pages. Search engines will do their job in crawling a sitemap to find and identify all information that is applicable to a specific search query that has been performed. The pages within the directory are listed in a logical hierarchical order, where the most relevant pages will be listed at the top, and the least relevant pages will be placed closer to the bottom.

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