
The User Experience Blog for Website Architecture Planning - Page 8

Southern Polytechnic State April 25, 2017 by Super User

Southern Polytechnic State

Southern Polytechnic State

Kennesaw State University absorbed Southern Polytechnic State University in 2015, and now offers students over 150 undergrad, graduate, and doctoral degrees to over 35,000 students. There are 13 different colleges spread over 2 Atlanta campuses. It is a member of the University System in Georgia, and is the 3rd largest university within the state. Students from all over the world are drawn to the strong global ties, diverse population, entrepreneurial spirit, and vibrant campus culture. The alumni count is at 100,000 and is rapidly growing. As a whole, the college claims over 581 acres and is now considered a destination campus, providing a wide range of resources, activities, and facilities. The university has had quick growth for basic research, leaping from $4.3 million in 2006 to $51 million in just 5 years. This allows for students and faculty to take part in unique hands-on opportunities.

KSU has formed a community that puts value on open and honest yet intellectual inquiry, professionalism, creative problem solving, integrity, global understanding, mutual respect, and sustainability. The university works to always compound student success, improve the quality of the institution, and respond to the demand for better higher education. Those who have experience with the university will know that KSU works to empower its members and graduates so that they enter post-academia with the vision, know how, and courage to change the future using all of the tools gained while at KSU—gracing the state, region, and the world with new perspectives found within.

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Savannah College of Art & Design April 25, 2017 by Super User

Savannah College of Art & Design

Savannah College of Art & Design

Savannah College of Art and Design, SCAD for short, exists with the purpose of preparing talented students for their professional careers with emphasis on learning through providing students with individual attention in a university setting focused on positive orientation. SCAD is an institution that is made up of distinctly separate but still complementary locations, and is recognized as one of the leaders in art and design education. Innovation is employed in all areas, providing a superior education via dedicated and talented faculty and staff, advanced learning resources, comprehensive support services, and leading services.

SCAD values growth while continuously improving, going the extra mile for their faculty and students, demonstrating excellence and quality in all aspects of the operation, providing an extraordinary education and life changing experience for students, promotion of a cooperative team spirit with a positive attitude, and being a student-centered institution. Along with providing an excellent education, SCAD works to improve the community with service projects covering many niches. There is a student-led community initiative called SERVE, alternative spring breaks in which students travel and volunteer their time to help meet the needs of other communities, and a program in which students meet at various elementary schools and take part in reading and mentoring children. SCAD students may also volunteer with Habitat for Humanity, H.E.Art for Humanity, Kids Cafe, and Pet Project. Students can work hard on their academics while also serving their community and help to improve it in the way that best fits with them.

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Georgia Tech April 25, 2017 by Super User

Georgia Tech

Georgia Tech School of Literature, Communication and Human Culture

Georgia Tech's School of Literature, Media, and Communication aims to define new ways of human inquiry and practice that bring together various humanistic perspectives to contribute to technological inventions and innovations. The mission of the school is to lead not only the region, but the nation and the world in research and teaching the ways that human culture change and are changed by technology and science. Understanding the technology of a culture is vital to both invention and innovation. The school has diverse faculty and students that evaluate and communicate scientific and technological change by inventing, examining, and reviewing a wide range of media forms and cultural activities.

The school provides vital humanistic perspectives in a heavily technological world. They value and promote the idea of “inclusive excellence”. The school works to be one of the top academic units that works where social sciences, humanities, and technology intersects. Every 5 years the School of Literature, Media, and Communication is evaluated by a group of leaders in the industry. Most recently it has been called a vibrant and strong school that has a distinctive role within the national educational scene. Each classroom will have numbers no less than 15 but no more than 25, and there are many opportunities for special projects and independent study. Students will reap many benefits intellectually and culturally from this top research university whose learning experiences are similar to that of a smaller liberal arts college. Students won't have to trade an individualized atmosphere for quality learning.

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University of South Florida April 25, 2017 by Super User

University of South Florida

University of South Florida

The University of South Florida is a sizable, four-year university that offers undergraduate, graduate, specialist, and doctoral degrees. There are 3 separate yet accredited institutions: USF, USF Sarasota-Manatee, and USF St. Petersburg. Educating more than 49,000 students, USF is ranked 41st in the nation for research expenditures among all universities. USF is made up of 14 colleges, and over 180 undergraduate degrees. Founded in 1956, the current student to faculty ratio is 23 to 1, with the average class size being 33 students. USF is one of the highest-impact global research universities that is dedicated to the success of its students. The total student population is made up of students from 130 countries, coming out to about 10% of the total student population.

USF Sarasota-Manatee can offer a smaller, more personalized learning experience with over 40 academic programs in 4 main colleges. The campus sits in Sarasota's Cultural Corridor, making the scenic campus a staple for the area. USF St. Petersburg offers students a smaller, waterfront environment that is focused on community engagement. The waterfront campus offers over 40 undergraduate and graduate programs in the 2 colleges that it is home to—Business and Education, and Arts and Sciences.

As a whole, the mission of USF is to deliver competitive degree programs, to generate knowledge, to ensure student success, and to foster intellectual development in a global environment. It is a global research university that is dedicated to the success of its students to be propelled into the world to become industry leaders.

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Florida State University April 25, 2017 by Super User

Florida State University

Florida State University School of Library and Information Studies

The school of information at Florida State University is one of the first iSchools, it offers an undergraduate degree as well as two masters degrees offered exclusively online, two additional masters degrees, one of which is ALA accredited, a specialist degree, and one PhD program. The students, faculty, staff, alumni, and employers from the school of information find themselves in all facets of information—social media, cyber security, health information technology, data analytics, data mining, and so much more.

The Florida State University iSchool celebrates 20 years of online education and innovation. Students will never run low on resources, as the FSU Collaboratory in the Goldstein Library is known to be a center for technological innovation on campus complete with 3D printing, 3-D modeling and visualization, and so much more.

Founded in 1947, the School of Information prepares professionals to make important connections between humans and information since inception. The programs within the School are consistently ranked in top lists year after year. The School recognizes the importance of connecting people with information and technology for the advancement of society. The commitment to universal information creation, use, assess, and evaluation is demonstrated through advanced teaching, service, and research methods. All faculty and staff are committed to preparing all information professionals with the skills, knowledge, attitudes, and abilities to overcome all types of challenges brought to light within information organizations. The dedication to innovative and multidisciplinary research, service, collaboration, and leadership leads to the most respect for diversity and commitment to professional diversity.

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