SharePoint Site Mapping Tool

SharePoint Site Mapping Tool

Last Edited August 13, 2024 by Garenne Bigby in Sitemap Generator

A common question that we get here at Dyno Mapper is, "How do you create a sitemap for a SharePoint site?" Dyno Mapper's crawler and site mapping tool can create site maps for most SharePoint websites and private SharePoint sites with a login URL published that can be accessed from any browser. 


How to Generate a Site Map of Sharepoint Sites


What is SharePoint?

Many organizations utilize Microsoft SharePoint to create websites and intranets. SharePoint offers a secure place to store, organize, share, and access information from all kinds of devices, including desktop and mobile devices. 


What about private websites?

Dyno Mapper's proprietary Custom System Authentication enables us to connect with private SharePoint websites. Two things are usually required for this functionality to work. 

  • Your SharePoint site needs to give Dyno Mapper an access point via a public login URL. 
  • Dyno Mapper's application's IP addresses need whitelisting in some cases.


Support for authentication is available with a Dyno Mapper subscription. To receive support, you must be able to provide two things.

  1. Login URL
  2. A read-only testing account: temporary username/password with 2FA disabled.


How long does support take?

We can usually provide the necessary setting for your Custom System Plugin within 24-48 hours (M-F). You also have the option to set up your Custom System Plugin by yourself if you have the necessary knowledge to find the following information in your login page's HTML. The following information is required for our plugin to work:

  • Title
  • Login Page URL
  • Frame
  • Form Selector
  • Form Username Selector
  • Form Password Selector
  • Form Submit Button
  • Wait on Load (ms)
  • Wait on Submit (ms)
  • Exclude URLs
  • Login Success Criteria

What information does Dyno Mapper store?

Dyno Mapper only stores URL, meta information and crawl data from the pages/links found. Dyno Mapper will not save any page or document content and only keeps what is necessary to visualize the information architecture. Dyno Mapper does not store usernames and passwords, so this information will need to be entered each time a sitemap crawl is initiated. 


What other features are available?

  • Content Inventory
  • Content Audit
  • Accessibility Testing
Garenne Bigby
Author: Garenne BigbyWebsite:
Founder of DYNO Mapper and Former Advisory Committee Representative at the W3C.

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