
35 Easy Website Builders for Small Businesses

You’ve just started your own business and realize that pamphlet and word-of-mouth advertising will only get you so far. After all, just about everyone is online these days—and you often turn to Google to compare quality and pricing for products and services near you.

So online presence is an absolute must. But do you hire a web designer, which can cost anything from $2000 upwards and will create additional costs every time you need to update your site?

While there is merit to hiring a web developer to help iron out any wrinkles in your design, website builder software and programs allow you do just about everything a professional designer does—at less than 1% of the cost. You’ll also have full access to and control over your site’s back-end, meaning you’ll be able to login to change content, upload images, and expand your site without calling for support.

If you’re a small business owner, including photographers, writers, musicians, artists, or even a start-up baking company, then you don’t have enough money to hire a web developer, making website builders the perfect solution.

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Best Practices for Adding AdSense to Your Website

Knowing how to connect with your audience will help you better push your products and content. But choosing the right placement to generate ad venue is important, too. AdSense is one of the best and easiest ways to start earning money from your website. It works through partnership with Google and other internet search engines to take what your potential audience and customers already like and help sell them on those interests. You can connect it with certain websites that specialize in blogging, handmade products, and even custom services.  It’s likely you’ve visited a website and seen an ad specifically tailored to you courtesy of AdSense. Maybe you were scrolling through your favorite social media site, and you see an ad for your favorite type of food. You might even see an ad for something you researched before buying.

Typically, those results are labeled ‘Sponsored Results,’ which indicates that the advertisers have paid for that ad space. This is how AdSense works to address viewers directly and generate ad revenue. The ad revenue from using AdSense is upwards of over 2 billion dollars every fiscal quarter. This is a result of ads not only being shown on websites but shown in the places to potential customers who will seek out the advertised products. Even if you’re already making a small profit from your website, having AdSense is a surefire way to increase your revenue.

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How to Choose the Best Entity for Your Startup

So, you’ve decided to try your hand at entrepreneurship and start your own company? Whether it’s a full-time commitment or just a means of supplementing your existing salary part-time, this is an exciting time for you.

The first stumbling block you may encounter is how to register your business. What’s the right business entity to choose? There are four basic business types, with a few common alternatives that should certainly be taken into consideration too. Every single one of them has its own set of pros and cons.

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How to Conduct a Patent Search Posted 08.02.2018

How to Conduct a Patent Search

Eureka! The light bulb has gone off. Or perhaps an idea has been simmering in your mind for quite a while. Whatever the situation, you are ready with an incredible idea for an invention. Perhaps this will be the next special invention, the next big thing, or what will make you attain your financial goals. For those creative and talented individuals who are looking to invent, or simply for the entrepreneurs who wish to cut costs and do their own patent search—the following guidelines will show you the way. How might one obtain a patent, you may be wondering? It can be a challenging process since we live in an age of inventions and advancements. How can you be sure your idea has not yet been patented? Has someone already beaten you to the punch? How can you be sure your invention is not already patented?

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Top 11 Credit Card Processors for SaaS Recurring Payments

Companies rely heavily on credit card processors when it comes to recurring payments. These processors save time, money, and can help to avoid error. In a world where almost everything is digital, most customers find it convenient when they can hook their card up to have payment automatically deducted each month. While customers might worry about there being risks to this type of arrangement, it is actually much safer than allowing a company to file away your information somewhere in a drawer.

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