Website Architecture Planning | Create Sitemaps

Website Architecture Planning | Create Sitemaps

Tips to Consider When Setting Up a Sitemap April 17, 2015 by Super User

Tips to Consider When Setting Up a Sitemap

There are three main varieties of ways to create sitemaps. The choice will depend on a number of factors, ranging from the nature of your website, content quantity, intended outcome, among others. Note that you can easily create sitemap using a sitemap generator.

  • Indexed Sitemap: This is a directory or an alphabetical listing of your site’s pages.
  • Complete Categorical Sitemap: This is the most popular comprehensive sitemap with classified links into categories. It is much easier to search for information and you can easily move between categories.
  • Restricted Categorical: Here, all links in a specific category are displayed at a go. However, all links of a website are not shown as is the case with categorical sitemap and therefore limits the lists links in some categories which simplifies viewing and doesn’t strain the eyes.
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