Edit Sitemaps using the DYNO Mapper Sitemap Generator


A sitemap crawl doesn't always provide you with a perfect looking visual sitemap. This is dependent on the code used and the hierarchy established by your URL structure. The first thing you will need to do is clean up and adjust the hierarchy of your sitemap. You can do this by clicking the Edit button located on the top menu of your sitemap, or in the individual sitemap menu.

Your tools to Add, Categorize, and Delete pages are displayed on the top left area of your editor.

To Add pages to your sitemap, click + and enter the Title. There are also optional fields for URL, Category, and Workflow Status located in this pop-up. .

You can adjust the parent / child relations by dragging and dropping pages to their new position.

Use the Search bar to find any pages that you might need work on.

Edit the Title by clicking on the Title or by changing the contents of the Title field located to the right.

You can change the URL by editing this field and also visit the URL by clicking the quick link on the right side of the field.

You can categorize a selected page with our Default Archetypes or you can create custom ones by entering a custom category and pressing Enter.

The workflow status will help you organize a large project by letting you tag the status of the work. Choose from Complete, Incomplete, Action Required, Leave As-is, Improve, Consolidate, and Remove.

You can enter and revise your meta description and keywords using these fields. DYNO Mapper will provide hints that show the correct length of your URLs, Titles, and Descriptions for proper display in search engines.

Your Priority level will tell search engines which pages deserve more priority by assigning a value between 0.0, which is the lowest priority, and 1.0, the highest priority.

You can also advise search engines on how often to re-crawl your website pages with the Change Frequency option. Choose a time that represents how often your page will be updated with content so that search engines know how often to check back for new content.

Click the Inventory icon to view all of the assets from an individual page. Search, filter, and find any assets located on these individual pages by using the Type, Status, and Location filter to narrow down your results.

Click the Analytics button to view the analytics data of the page you are clicked on. If you see "No data found", either you have not connected your analytics account or you just don't have data for that particular page. Watch our upcoming Analytics video to learn how to link your Analytics account and view this data.

Click the Comment icon to communicate with team members and keep your clients in the loop.

Click back to the view icon to save your changes. You can view your updated sitemap by clicking the Preview icon or by clicking View next to the Save button.

Changes to your sitemaps in DYNO Mapper do not affect anything on your live website. You will need to upload your XML file to your root directory in order to make any changes live.

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