Content Planning

Website Content Planning

Gather your content and manage your workflow using the content planning features. Whatever the size of the website, our suite of project management features enable you to discover, plan, and execute a new content strategy. Plan your website from start to finish and stay so organized that your colleagues think you are superhuman. Assign content assignments to users and ensure your team meets due dates and milestones. Create content blocks of rich text, plain text, links, images, videos, and files with a seamless display within your sitemap. Assign pages to users and track your process using the content calendar. Export your files for easy CMS import, or choose from PDF and CSV file formats.




Plain or Rich Text

Import or create content in rich text format to maintain formatting properties such and bold characters and typefaces or use plain text which supports standard ASCII characters.


Links and Files

Links can be added to reference external assets with the ability to define the target and alternative text. Upload project files to keep every asset in one place.



Upload any multimedia (images, videos, files) assets to each page of your sitemap for project planning. Each multimedia content type is displayed in the right-side flyout located in each sitemap.


Assign User Tasks

Sitemap pages can be assigned to registered sub-users to complete needed work on a page with the ability to pick due dates/times and task details with notes.


Manage User Tasks

User tasks can be managed using the assignments tab located in the sitemap editor. The assigned users, due dates/times, and notes can easily be revised at any time.



Users are always notified of any page assignments in the header of the application with links to find exactly what pages were assigned, who is responsible, due dates/times, and notes.


Content Calendar

All assignments will display in the content calendar with the ability to sort and filter task assignment by user and workflow status for easy project management.



The sitemap editor comes with an easy to use internal WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) editor that allows you to see the end result of what the content will look like.



Getting feedback is necessary when planning any project. Solicit needed feedback from team members or end users using the comment feature that appears on each page.



Export your content plan to CSV (comma-separated values) format which is ideal for the transfer of a large amount of data and can be easily imported into spreadsheet programs like Microsoft Excel.



Export your content plan to PDF format which includes all added content including rich/plain text, links, images, videos, and documents that were created or uploaded to your sitemap.



Export all content assignments to CSV (comma-separated values) format for all assigned users or on an individual basis by selecting the user in the drop down of the calendar.

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